10 USD to ATOM Chart — Historical price of US dollar expressed in ATOM


The current 10 USD to ATOM exchange rate is 2.41 ATOM and has increased by 6.44% over the past 30 days. The USD to ATOM price chart indicates the historical change of 10 USD in ATOM over the past 30 days.

Advanced USD/ATOM Chart

10 USD to ATOM Converter Stats — Volatility and changes in US dollar price (ATOM denominated)

Last 24 hoursLast 7 daysLast 30 daysLast 90 days
High 2.40 ATOM 2.40 ATOM 2.44 ATOM 2.73 ATOM
Low 2.35 ATOM 2.19 ATOM 2.03 ATOM 1.85 ATOM
Volatility 0.68% 2.44% 3.94% 7.75%
Change 1.81% 11.36% 6.44% 17.81%

The highest US dollar was trading against Cosmos in the last 30 days was 0.244015 ATOM on October 10, 2024 at 18:00 UTC which means the highest value for 10 USD was 2.44 ATOM. The lowest exchange rate in the last 30 days was 0.202537 ATOM on October 21, 2024 at 22:00 UTC which means the lowest value for 10 USD was 2.03 ATOM. The relative change between the highs and lows in US dollar price ATOM in the last 30 days indicates a volatility of 3.94%. You can see additional volatility levels and USD price to ATOM data for 24-hour, 7-day, and 90-day periods in the table above.

Convert US dollar to Cosmos

1 USD0.240645 ATOM
5 USD1.20 ATOM
10 USD2.41 ATOM
25 USD6.02 ATOM
50 USD12.03 ATOM
100 USD24.06 ATOM
500 USD120.32 ATOM
1,000 USD240.64 ATOM
10,000 USD2,406.45 ATOM

The USD to ATOM converter table above displays the correlation between the value of US dollar in Cosmos through a list of popular conversion amounts, ranging from 1 USD to ATOM to 10,000 USD.

Convert Cosmos to US dollar

1 ATOM4.16 USD
5 ATOM20.78 USD
10 ATOM41.56 USD
25 ATOM103.89 USD
50 ATOM207.78 USD
100 ATOM415.55 USD
500 ATOM2,077.75 USD
1,000 ATOM4,155.51 USD
10,000 ATOM41,555 USD

The ATOM to USD converter table above displays the correlation between the value of Cosmos in US dollar through a list of popular conversion amounts, ranging from 1 ATOM to 10,000 ATOM.

Cosmos Exchanges

Crypto.com4.15 USD
Coinbase4.14 USD
AscendEX4.14 USD
Kraken4.14 USD
Bitfinex4.14 USD

There are 15 cryptocurrency exchanges tracked by CoinCodex where you can convert 10 ATOM to USD. You can quickly compare the Cosmos price USD rate between five popular exchanges in the table above. Currently, Crypto.com provides the best exchange rate for Cosmos (USD denominated).

View all exchanges

Latest USD to ATOM Converter Rate

The current price of 10 US dollar in Cosmos is 2.41 ATOM. The price is calculated based on rates on 15 exchanges and is continuously updated every few seconds.

To see the latest exchange rate, Cosmos historical prices, and a comprehensive overview of technical market indicators, head over to the Cosmos page.

How to buy Cosmos with US dollar?

The easiest way to buy 10 USD with ATOM is to convert USD to ATOM. To do so, visit the Cosmos exchanges section, and then look for fiat trading pairs. You can use the search window accompanying the “ATOM Pairs” section and enter USD to filter for crypto exchanges that have a ATOM/USD trading pair. Overall, Crypto.com is one of the best places to buy Cosmos with US dollar.

How to sell Cosmos for US dollar?

One of the best ways to convert Cosmos to US dollar is to use the ATOM/USD pair on supported exchanges. First, head to the Cosmos exchanges section, and then use the search window to filter for exchanges that list the ATOM/USD trading pair. It’s worth noting that Crypto.com is widely regarded as one of the best exchanges for selling Cosmos for US dollar.